HRSDOS is a data transporter for OS-9. Moves programs and data from RSDOS disks to OS-9 or from OS-9 to RSDOS. Supports RGB hard drive systems where a hard drive is split into OS-9 and RSDOS sections with direct access to RSDOS section from OS-9. Modification of OS-9 HDisk or CC3Disk drivers is not necessary for use.

    The program comes with an RSDOS helper program, SPECS.BAS , which runs under RSDOS and reports the location of the RSDOS partition data.

    Before using HRSDOS, the data generated by SPECS.BAS must be used to install /dd/sys/hrs_data. This is not required on non hard drive systems. Use your favorite editor or BUILD to create the file. The file must include all hard drives in the system, including /dd if it is a hard drive. Drive order in the file is unimportant. Here is what the file contents should look like. The values after the # are the byte offsets where the RSDOS partitions start.

/dd #32760
/h0 #32760
/h2 #268380


            Here is the syntax for HRSDOS:

Use:                        hrsdos (-? -dir -get -put -del) device [RSDOS_file] [OS9_file]
required:                command and device name of hard disk
required with -dir:                                             instead of [RSDOS_file] use :#
ex.:                          hrsdos -dir /h0 :12
           where 12 means drive 12 of RSDOS section
required with -get/-put:                                                       RSDOS_file OS9_file_path
ex.:                          hrsdos -get /h0  NEWNOTE.DAT:5 [path/]newsnote
required with -del:                                                              RSDOS_file
ex.:                          hrsdos -del /h0 NEWSNOTE.DAT:5

RSDOS_file format: name(.or/)ext:drive#_on_hard_drive
                                     hard drive is assumed to have section of RSDOS type drives


-?      you know this one
-dir   for directory of hard drive RSDOS drive
-get   transfer RSDOS file to OS9 section
-put   transfer OS9 file to RSDOS section
-del   delete RSDOS file

Options: for use with -put

 -b     type 0; BASIC tokenized file; default
 -d     type 1; BASIC data file
 -m    type 2; Machine language program
 -t      type 3; Text editor file
 -a     ASCII indicator; default is non-ASCII