Early OS-9 History, select content from 68 Micro Journal


September 1980

Microware's full page ad for OS-9/6809 software moves to front of magazine. A second full page ad follows the first (which is the same as previous month), incorporating the 6800 products and listing Microsoft DECB for OS-9.

Also in this issue is the first review of OS-9 and Basic09, sent in by Tom Harmon of HHH Enterprises (the same company that has been selling OS-9 for a few months, even prior to Microware listing it for sale in their own ads). OS-9 is also mentioned in a letter from a user for the first time.

October 1980

Microware's ads same as previous month. Only OS-9 specific content is this Q & A seemingly stuck in the middle of other content:


November 1980

Same Microware ads. OS-9 and Microware are featured heavily in an article about a trade show in Philadelphia. Ken Kaplan is said to have drawn the largest crowds seen at the show with his OS-9 presentation.

Editors mention that the promised reviews of OS-9 and UniFlex are again delayed but may be done for next month.

Note: First mentioning of the new Tandy Color Computer is in this issue (no mention of OS-9 on CoCo, just general info on the hardware).


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